Our end-to-end process is special because it lets you draw on all the disciplines within IT-LOGIX
Along the way, we learn what makes you, your people and your business tick. The outcome of every solution we build is Unique and Bespoke to your need. So we shape our process to help you get there.
Our team will observe and analyse your ways of working. We’ll discuss your vision for the future, and which decisions are best for your business’s strategy. Whether it’s introducing a new IT Solution, Compliance, Security, hybrid working model or even Migrating IT Infra entirely to Cloud, we’ll work out the briefs that need to be built. And crucially, we’ll have the data to justify why.

We’re committed to Security, Reliability Performance and Usability and we deliver this through fixed-price contracts and a unique project management approach. It’s our holistic understanding, as well as meticulous planning, that de-risks all projects, guarantees total engagement and makes the process a journey we all want to go on.
Our IT Solutions Architects and Support Team have no house style. We do what’s right for your project instead. We create concepts that realise your ambitions, whether you’re a company moving into Cloud, Hybrid Working, Compliance, Saving Costs etc… We work closely with Tribe who make sure the IT Solution is Secure at its Flexible and Future Proof with state of controls and Monitoring in place. Being under the same roof allows seamless interaction, and their open-minded approach and zero supplier bias promises a quality, tailored service. Through design, Procure, deploy and manage phases of the Solution
we’ll work with you, in person, on every last detail.

Once all else is agreed, our delivery team takes the reins as we continue to turn your new concepts into reality. We’ll manage relationships with your Office Team – Current Vendors if required – as well as the on-site teams. We’ve spent a over 15 + years growing inhouse experts and extended network of trusted contractors, who carry out even the smallest individual jobs to the highest IT-LOGIX standards. It’s everybody’s responsibility to make sure we finish the Projects and Support Tickets on time and on budget.
When a project ends, the relationship doesn’t. We’ll be around to check in and see how your IT Systems are working for everyone in it. We’re here for On going Maintenance Support you might need down the line, from switching from Ad-hoc to Managed IT Support Client. If your business sees change, we’ll adapt your environment to change with it.

We can make sure your first moments in using the new or Upgraded IT Systems are as exciting as they should be by managing the Transparency all the way through followed by in person and remote training sessions. A dedicated Technical Manager can organise a team to do the heavy lifting while our Support specialists are on hand to make sure your people are ready for new things.